New Patient Experience

For Dr. Raggi, the number one goal of a New Patient Experience is to build strong relationships with all of our patients. As such, all of our Adult New Patient Experiences consist of a two part process.


The first part is an hour long Comprehensive Consultation, including X-rays, oral cancer screening, and exam. Dr. Raggi takes the time to review the findings of your exam with you in detail. He makes sure to explain all recommended treatment options. This is the time to ask questions and bring up your concerns. When you book an Adult New Patient Visit Online, you are booking this initial Comprehensive Consultation.


The second part of our Adult New Patient Experience is an hour long cleaning appointment with one of our two highly skilled Hygienists. This appointment may be booked online after your initial Consultation, in person at the Consultation, or you may call our office to book both visits for the same day.